
The products manufactured by Forgiatura Moderna Arese are exported worldwide and are employed in globally significant projects.

FMA is committed to obtaining full sa&sfac&on of the clients’ needs, paying special attention to the certficatons and specificatons required by the applicaton of its products in the different fields involved, these are a few examples.

Transmission shads, propeller shads and other components for the ship building industry.

Rolled rings and forged components for cableways and other mobility infrastructures.

  • Hydro
    Turbine shads and rotor shads for the generaton of hydroelectric energy.

  • Wind
    Gears and shads for wind power generation.

  • Nuclear
    Covers and shells for the producton of nuclear energy.

Flanges, rings for gearbox and casings for aerospace industry.

Nozzles, tube sheets, shells for pressure tanks and heat exchangers for the petrochemical industry.

Generator shads, gears, pinions for mechanical transmission.

Plates, columns, pins, cylinders, heads for mechanical industries, plant engineering, hydraulic and oleo dynamic presses.

Valves, casings, hubs, pipes, bops, for the extrac&on of oil and gas for onshore, offshore and subsea plants.
